Saturday, November 25, 2006

Monday, November 20, 2006


:) here's a really helpful quote about meditation that my friend shared with me

"You are a cup of hot water and the intake of Scripture is represented by the tea bag. Hearing God's Word is like one dip of the tea bag into the cup. Some of the tea's flavor is absorbed by the water, but not as much as would occur with a more thorough soaking of the tea bag. In this analogy, reading, studying, and memorizing God's Word are represented by additional plunges of the tea bag into the cup. The more frequently the tea enters the water, the more effect it has. Meditation, however, is like immersing the bag completely and letting it steep until all the rich tea flavor has been extracted and the hot water is thoroughly tinctured reddish brown."
- Donald S. Whitney
from...a book about spiritual disciplines. Spiritual Disciplines of the Godly Life? :/ something like that

:) love you
i'm gonna try to call you tomorrow

Sunday, November 05, 2006


sorry for taking so long to post yules :P but i'm so happy that we're finally done! NOT that i didn't enjoy the book :) but i'm really looking forward to the next one
it was REALLY cool reading the anecdote about carol in the chapter about submission - it's so amazing to think that the Lord can truly change the heart of any man (or woman :)), no matter how hardened, how self absorbed, how wicked it is. what really stuck out to me about her testimony was that it was the conduct of other godly women at church, and the faithful and bold teaching of male and female roles from the pulpit that sparked her desire to turn from the world's definition of a successful woman to God's. another thing that i found really incredible about her was that it was because of her consistently godly conduct at home, for years and years, that won her husband over to the faith without a word. :) what a testament to the power of prayer, and the effectiveness of being a DOER of the word, rather than a mere hearer.
later on in the chapter, this quote really stuck out to me -
"It is actually weakness on display when a wife is not submissive; she is only caving in to her natural inclination to usurp authority and demand her own way. that doesn't take any effort at all."
WHOA! hah! this is such a crazy and TRUE way to look at it! so many times we hear that a woman is weak if she submits to her husband, the world painting her as a detestable doormat. but the word of God says differently! it actually takes great faith and dependence upon the Lord to practice true submission, and overcome the woman's sinful tendency to usurp her husband's authority.
i thought she did a really good job of making it clear that submission isn't about just blindly and mindlessly submitting to a husband's every wish, but the issue is actually about submitting to the Lord, trusting Him to guide you through your husband.
i thought the example about placing godly pressure on your husband was really cool too - you can't expect your husband to start being a leader without treating him as one.
:) and the story about margaret was really really beautiful. although she wasn't well known, or hold a prominent title or office, although she didn't achieve great accomplishments according to the world's standard, you can tell that this woman exerted a TON of godly influences in countless peoples' lives. such an honorable woman...i don't know jules, if i could ever be like that. but i know by the Lord's grace, He can make us more Christlike daily. and i know for sure that He's making you more and more like Margaret, well, more importantly, more and more like Christ :)
all in all, this book was really helpful and very readable - a lot of good, solid, sound principles in here and i'm really glad to have read it. but i think what helped me the most was reading it with you!! i praise God that He sovereingly allowed us to be born 14 years apart, because it's sure helping me a lot right now! :D