Monday, August 28, 2006

Feminine Appeal

Hey Sara!
And everyone who is secretly reading this book with us!
We're starting this book this week, so hopefully you've got it.
I would like to just say read it within this month and post here if you have any thoughts, comments, discussion, etc. and we'll keep it on this blog.
love jules


Anonymous said...

here's the mahaney blog i was telling you about today
it kinda looks like ours!....maybe. someday hahahah

Anonymous said...

Well, I checked it out and it's worth looking at!
It doesn't quite look like ours ... uh... but we can have something to look forward to right?

I have my book and i can't wait to start this! i feel a bit spiritually low because I feel as if I am missing quality fellowship with my sisters in Christ... i think it's just you and me kiddo...

Anonymous said...

i just got my books and they look like they're gonna be greeat! :D i'm so excited. chris said that she read feminine appeal and said it was really good :)
i also looked at the following God Bible study and i'm REALLY excited about it! it looks like it has tonnsss of stuff in there, and approached the Word from a few other angles than the Beth Moore studies do. woohoo!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you got the books babe. i told chris she could most likely read it in a few days! she's such a speed reader! anyway, i've started the book as well and there are already some points that have really challenged me. i will post later, after morning worship.