Saturday, September 09, 2006

More books I want to read...!

Here's another list of books I either just bought and intend to read, or is in my Amazon cart and I would like to read. If any of these appeal to you, just let me know. I'll save them for when you can read it with me.

The Cross of Christ by John Stott

Sinners in the hand of an angry God by Jonathan Edwards

Prayer: Finding the Heart's True Home by Richard Foster

Overcoming Sin And Temptation: Three Classic Works - John Owen

A God-Entranced Vision of All Things: The Legacy of Jonathan Edwards - John Piper

The Sermons of Jonathan Edwards: A reader by Jonathan Edwards

Putting Amazing Back into Grace,: Embracing the Heart of the Gospel

The Mortification of Sin by John Owen

Whaddaya think? :-)



Anonymous said...

whoa all of these sound really good. i think the ones i most want to read are...
sinners in the hands of an angry God
the legacy of jonathan edwards
the sermons of jonathan edwards
hahah ok so all the jonathan edwards ones
:) coool

Anonymous said...

I just finished reading jon edward's resolutions! whoa! although i don't agree that we need to live such lives focused on our resolutions, i do see the need to evaluate our lives so that we are living for the glory of God. the standard there is so high, he is right in saying that with the grace of God and with the help of the Holy Spirit he is trying to keep these....

i have sinners in the hands... i'm planning to read it when you want. i love reading these books that have deeper truths. i just pray that i'm not filling my mind with head knowledge... i have so many thoughts but need to take the time to transfer it to my heart and internalize it. it really is with God's grace... i can only do this with the Lord's help as I sorely feel my shortcomings and weaknesses! i'm on the chapter about self-control. it's timely! let's see who blogs first! :-)