Saturday, January 06, 2007

Book Intro

It's been VERY hard for me to not read ahead as I've already finished four chapters before New Year's! I wanted to quote something that's found in the Intro that's worth noting:

"Because of the spiritual warfare that surrounds this great subject of money and possessions, if this book is to be read with eternal benefit, it must be read with prayer. Our use of money and possessions is a DECISIVE STATEMENT OF OUR ETERNAL VALUES. What we do with our money loudly affirms which kingdom we belong to. Whenever we give of our resources to further God's kingdom, we cast a ballot FOR Christ and against Satan, FOR heaven and against hell. Whenever we use our resources selfishly and indifferently we further Satan's goals.

The key to a right use of money and possessions is a right perspective - an ETERNAL perspective."

Growing up I have to admit that money was something that we used to give us pleasure, to buy temporary happiness, to contribute to our own comfort. The selfish attitude toward money was strongly dealt with in France - I think the book was Alcorn's "Treasure Principle" but I can't be sure. But frankly, I have recently forgotten God's purpose and my stewardship and my conscience is burning... I pray that this book study will bring about eternal changes and that I will honor the Lord in this important area of my life once again.

Let's read 4 chapters for this week, Jan 7-13th. Let's see how that works for our pace. Better to get more read now than later when our schedule picks up, right Sara? :-)

In light of eternity,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wanted to write up some initial thoughts before getting into some of the meat. Hopefully this comment will show up; my last comment was accidentally deleted because I'm computer illiterate!! I'm glad to be a part of this book study and I'm looking forward to learning from you all. This book has already begun to challenge me to the core. I appreciate books that show me when there is a discrepancy in my actions & beliefs and the truth of the Word. God is revealing His truth to me regarding my mindset & resultant actions related to finances and material things. I would ask you to specifically pray for me to surrender fully to God. I know He desires me to trust Him in this area; I also know He desires to conform me more into the image of His Son. At this point in my journey, there's a lot of sanctifying to go!! :) I will be praying for you all Julie quoted from the Intro, this is a subject that is surrounded by spiritual warfare & we all need to be protected as we move forward into greater obedience.
Blessings! Wendy