Tuesday, February 06, 2007


I'm not quite ready to post on the next chapters but I am up to chapter 13 and have made a little progress. I thought I'd share this on the blog so that I can look back after a while and see if I stuck it through.

First of all, I am once again very convicted about tithing. Again, not legalistically - but it makes perfect sense what he talks about - using the 10% as a starting point to cheerful giving. We have been tracking our expenses for a month and it's obvious the areas that I overspend on. Eating out, clothes, and books. We have decided that we will give to the Lord first - yes, off the gross - and devise a plan of self-control and cutting back in order to make payments on debts and bills. So, first adjustment - not robbing God.

Second, I am on a book fast. Ok, kind of. I bought a book the other day - but not sneaking around Anthony as I sometimes do! I asked his permission and he okayed it because it was interesting and we wanted to support this local Christian bookstore in Columbus. Ok, so that's it. No more for this month. I'm doing this in order to spend the time in prayer, in order to be able to say no, in order to appreciate the books i DO have and in order to read what I have now! It's freeing in a way but difficult because I so want to buy something. When I see that it's really cheap and it's something on my wishlist and it's on sale.. well... you know!

Third, I am on a clothes fast. I have plenty to wear and I'm only pregnant for another 3 more months. I might have to pick up a shirt or two but I pray that He will help me curb my desires.

Fourth, we are going to go out eating less. We go out several times a week. i just need to write out a meal plan or something or have something cheaper to throw in the oven when we're tempted to eat out. We need to reduce this or we will literally eat our money up!

Fifth, we are trying to conserve more energy. I am so used to the cold that it doesn't bother me as much to set the temp lower but Anthony freezes. We'll reduce it degree by degree in order to get that $400 utility bill down!

Sixth, until the nanny comes, I will cut back on my babysitting and suck it up and do things with all 3 kids in tow. I want to aggressively pay down the debt while I can. It's like a noose around my neck and the hole just gets deeper and deeper as the need seems to surpass our ability to pay. How pathetic is that?

Seventh, for some reason, the Lord brought a new car into our lives. After looking at the finances and where we need to cut back we can see that there's a little bit of room for a small car payment. We just got replaced our 2001 van with a 2005 van for $5000. I can hardly believe it! :-)

So, what progress have you made so far? Any? None? Hardly?
Let's encourage each other. Thanks for the article on impulse spending. Tell me about it! I hardly bought anything this weekend in Columbus, even though we went to Easton and Polaris! It was easier than I thought to just say no.

More later...
In His time,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello Friend!!

I just found your blog off of your HK link. I think I'll subscribe. This post was great... little ways to cut back.

Keep up the great work...
